Cats & kittens wallpapers
Cats and kittens wallpapers on your home page.
If you love Cats & Kittens, well they are cute! Install a Cat & Kitten Theme to get HD wallpapers of Cats and Kittens in every new tab.
Installing my Cats & Kittens New Tab Themes allows you to enjoy varied HD wallpapers of Cats and Kittens, every time you open a new tab.
By clicking "Chrome Download", I accept and agree to installing the Cats & Kittens Wallpapers extension and setting Chrome™ New Tab to that provided by the service and the Privacy and Terms of Use.

What can you get from our Cats & Kittens themes?
- You can enjoy a wide range of Cats & Kittens wallpapers in HD quality
- Quick and easy search box, so you can surf the web with ease
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